Importance of Titles on PriceCheck and other search engines

Importance of Titles on PriceCheck and other search engines

To run an effective campaign on PriceCheck is more than just having great prices and images. The idea is to give the prospective customer all the information needed in order for them to make the purchase before having to click through to your website, and that is your title.

Below are a number of ways that you can improve the searchability of your products on PriceCheck:

Adding Generic Terms:

Adding generic terms to the title of the product can increase the probability of the product being found. Generic terms are words that describe the product which you are listing. Although customers nowadays are extremely well informed, most times searches use generic terms such as “Washing Machine” or “Laptop” rather than using product codes or SKU’s.

Informative Titles:

Adding information to your title in shorthand will help the customer make an informed decision about the product without having to click through to your site unnecessarily only to find the product is not the one they are looking for. This is especially important with regards to electronics however, works just as well for products which are niche or custom made. Adding dimensions/size/memory, colour, model no. etc do assist greatly when making an informed purchase.

The general format for product titles are as follows:

Brand, Model, Dimension/Size/Memory, Colour

The above tips will assist with your product discovery, which will increase your clicks and in turn increase your conversion rate.

If you require further information, please contact PriceCheck Support on - 

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