

Everything you need to know about your Inventory

On the Inventory page you are able to search, view and update your product and inventory information.

Activate your products for sale on PriceCheck’s Marketplace:
Your Inventory page will display products available for sale in eligible Marketplace categories.

To activate a single product on Marketplace

  1. check the “Marketplace” check-box within the product details.
  2. Your product will be activated automatically.

To activate multiple products in bulk:

  1. select the products in the far left-hand column
  2. From the “Bulk Action” drop-down box select “Activate Marketplace”
  3. Your products will be activated automatically

Once your products are activated on Marketplace you will be able to update the “Inventory on Hand" and “Processing Time” fields.


Prevent your data from being overwritten by your xml feed:

If the “Inventory on Hand” for a product is updated and does not match your xml feed, you can lock this information on the Inventory page. Locking a product will prevent your xml feed updates from overriding this data.


How to Lock your Data:

  • Simply check “Locked” within the product details and it will auto-save.
  • Alternatively select multiple products on the left-hand side and from the “Bulk Action” drop-down box choose “Lock Products”.


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